

Listening is the first step in language learning. Listening provides primary input for students providing the basis for language acquisition. Listening is also the primary interface by which students are able to understand the subtleties of language which is not apparent by reading, writing or by just studying grammar. The basic formula of listening practice …



Learning a foreign language is to use the language. Being able to speak is the primary reason for our learning, and any improvement in spoken language will help with the other language learning skills. Speaking is second important element in language learning, serving as ice-breaker, the vital force in the whole language learning process. There …



Reading is to teach the language itself. It is an integral part of the language learning, and serving as a builder and facilitator in the whole learning process. Reading practice in multisensory synchro learning approach requires fast, loud and interactive reading exercises to build speed and fluency as well as automatic word-decoding leading to comprehension. …



Writing is an important integral skill of foreign language learning. In multisensory synchro learning approach, writing practice requires students to write down what to be said while listening. It involves the following five steps: 1) Write down the words you understand in sequence while listening; 2) Leave those words you do not understand in blank, or guess …