Listening is the first step in language learning. Listening provides primary input for students providing the basis for language acquisition. Listening is also the primary interface by which students are able to understand the subtleties of language which is not apparent by reading, writing or by just studying grammar.
The basic formula of listening practice in multisensory synchro learning approach is Repetition-Reiteration-Comprehension-Dictation
1) Repetition is to repeat the listening as many times as possible.
2) Reiteration is to imitate the pronunciation and restate it as clearly as possible.
3) Comprehension is to paraphrase the listening as accurately as possible.
4) Dictation is to write down the words of contents as many as possible.
We know that thoughts move about four times as fast as speech. With listening practice we are able to comprehend what is being said, and reproduce it by speaking and writing it down. The principle of listening practice is to speak, read and write along with listening, sentence by sentence, paragraph by paragraph until you can articulate and write down correctly the whole paragraph without listening or reading the transcript.